Sunday, December 21, 2008

snowed in. so ya....bored.

Im way bored. so i decided to watch a bunch of movie trailers. ones of monies i've seen and ones of movies I haven't. I love trailers for some reason. alot of times there better than the whole movie together. weird. I got a new shirt out. it's called lil' lame. its sorta limited, contact me if your intrested... 20$

heres those trailers...

-drugstore cowboy

Drugstore Cowboy_movie trailer from Marcin Wojtyniak on Vimeo.

-wild tigers i have known

-gummo (sorta messed up)

-julien donkey boy

-last days (some people dont like it, i was way into it)

oh and just cause i love elliott here...

-thumb sucker ( 'thirteen" elliott smith salad!!!!)

-united states of leland

-special ( soooo good)

-bang bang your dead (this is a re edit on youtube, but a way good movie)

-im bored.

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